Monday, April 14, 2008

More Questions, More Answers

My co-worker Terry is interested to know how I pick which lines to go on first and "do [I] rate them from shitty to fun?"

To answer the first question, I'm not picking lines arbitrarily. I'm going by the same order that SFMTA and NextMuni follow. Looking at the SFMTA list, I just realized that the cable cars are coming up soon. I cannot wait!

In terms of rating, that obviously does not play a part in the order I'm following but I have thought about creating some sort of best/worst list. However, in order to accurately determine which line has the best sights, for example, I'm going to need to get farther into the project. Maybe at the halfway point I'll do something like that. Wait and see!


TK said...

Coincidentally, I just did my own list of my Top 5 Muni lines:

I'm enjoying your blog a lot!

Anonymous said...

I got a shout out!

Whud! Whud!

Anonymous said...

does terry still count as your co-worker? doesn't he work in the LA office now? i guess thats still a, no its not.

Anonymous said...

"I read somewhere online that there are business cards for NLLB. How can I get one?"

Anonymous said...

Nice blog as for me. It would be great to read a bit more concerning that theme.
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